The democratic essence in Bolivar's totalitarianism thought is mainly embodied in the hereditary senate and lifelong tenure system president. 玻利瓦尔的集权思想主要表现在他要求设立世袭参议院和终身总统上。
In the20th century latter, European Democratic Socialists imbine Euramerican scholars study of socialism of stock system, as reference in their theory and practice when conducting socialism. 20世纪后半叶,欧美学者对“股份制社会主义”的研究成果,作为自己搞社会主义时在理论和实践上的供鉴。
In a democratic system it is the people that wield the power. 在民主制度中,是人民掌握权力。
The conclusion that the basic connation of democratic management is political restraint system should be made through the analysis of democratic management in the state. 从现代企业制度的一个显著特征即经营权与所有权的分离进行分析,提出降低经营者道德风险的两条基本途径即约束机制与激励机制。
To be high-quality participation of21st century, the Democratic Party must enhance organization construction, thought construction, organ construction, system construction and style construction. 要建设面向21世纪高素质的参政党,必须加强组织建设、思想建设、机关建设、制度建设。
Jury institution is a democratic system of jurisdiction, in which the jurors and judges are both the executors. 陪审员与法官是同一审判权的行使者,其相互关系是以微观分权的方式实现权力制衡。
Democratic centralism is a system that integrates centralism on the basis of democracy with democracy under centralized guidance. 民主集中制是民主基础上的集中和集中指导下的民主相结合的制度。
We should uphold the principle of "long-term coexistence, mutual supervision, treating each other with all sincerity and sharing weal and woe", step up our cooperation with the democratic parties and better display the features and advantages of the Chinese socialist system of political parties. 坚持长期共存、互相监督、肝胆相照、荣辱与共的方针,加强同民主党派合作共事,更好地发挥我国社会主义政党制度的特点和优势。
Therefore, the system of financial law in China will be promoted in the process of the construction of a democratic and rule of law system in finance, with the aid of economic law as the directing theory for the framing of finance law. 作为规范国家宏观调控经济关系的经济法当然是建构公共财政的框架的指导理论,同时公共财政框架的建立也必将促进我国现行财政法体系的完善。
The function of political education in the transition of democratic political culture was analyzed through the renovation of political education ideas and goals, the reconstruction and development of political education system, and the conversion of its contents and themes. 本文主要从政治教育理念转变、政治教育目标的更新、政治教育内容和主题的转换、政治教育体系的重建与发展等方面来分析研究政治教育在政治文化变迁中的作用。
Simultaneously, the democratic system is enriched by their reasonable behavior causing the expansion of the system under the system frame. 同时,更为重要的是,他们在制度框架下的理性行为也引起了制度的拓展,使得其内涵更加的丰富。人与制度(人事与制度)是相辅相成、互相配合的。
In the academic field, there seems to be a self evident dogma, that parliamentary politics, the chief component of modern democratic political system, has no connection with feudal society of Mediaeval period. 在学术界,似乎有一个不证自明的定论,即:作为近代资本主义政治制度核心构件的议会政治是与中世纪封建社会无缘的。
In order to stop and change the trend, Lenin made some new theoretical exploration on the democratic system of the Soviet Union in respect of establishment of the system. 为了阻止和扭转这一趋势,列宁从制度设置方面对苏维埃体制重新进行了一些理论探索。
This paper focuses on the institution of the new mechanism to eliminate corruption and on the establishment of a more efficient democratic supervisory system. 围绕建立反腐肃贪的新机制,提出建构更加有效的人民对官员的监督制度;
Based on this condition, governments are trying to change former democratic system for adopting flexible demands. 在此情况下,政府开始思考如何改变原来的官僚体制,以适应公众不断变化的需求,研究者们也开始对电子政务的研究进行重新审视。
The constitution of democratic China established a legislative system with a combination of direct civil rights and representational politics, administrative body exercising some power of the congress. 《中华民国宪法》则确立了直接民权和代议政治相混合、行政部门代行国会部分职权的立法体制。
Part two discusses the transformation of social democratic parties after World War Two, which is the background and foundation of the reform for the system of organization of the party. 第二部分,论述了社民党二战后的转型,这是党内组织制度改革的背景和依据。